Who is Glomil?

GLOMİL was founded in 2019 with a focus on business software development. It provides services by focusing on new generation technologies and systems in the solutions it develops. Established with 100 percent Turkish capital, GLOMİL attaches importance to the development of solutions it develops with local engineer staff. At the same time, we work with Turkey's leading universities, academics and innovative institutions.

As GLOMİL, we are today as GLOMİL in terms of municipal systems, defense industry research and development projects, high-capacity / traffic business applications, mobile applications on a global or local scale, as well as the renewal / transfer of existing technologies of institutions, integration needs with external systems, capacity increases when necessary and other technological needs. At this point, we serve critical institutions.

At the same time, we see mobile applications and websites of institutions as an important part of digital transformation and renewal, and at this point, we offer services with our creative departments. “At the point we have reached today, we know that success will be achieved with perseverance and we work by believing in it”